One chance in the moment

One chance in the moment

written by: vinitasingh03

Times in life come and go. Its from past, present to future. Today is the present. We live for the moment. Weather its a cold, dark, winter with snow, or a bright summer with sunshine. We walk our paths, through a tunnel, a road or a highway. We take a train, a plane or a boat ride. What ever we do, that moment only comes once. In this one chance of the moment is a young lady, who has passed through many things. She has wandered the roads with different street names. She has seen many stores in different states. She has learned different languages. She has danced to many songs. She has worked different jobs. She has found different friends across different states and countries. She has read many articles, books and strories. She has heard many stories from others. As her mind is wandering and thinking, she feels she must remember the one chance in the moment. That one chance of the moment she dreams of. The one chance where she sees, the train has stopped moving. The plane has landed and stopped. The birds in the air have flown down and are still. The boat has come from the river near land is no longer moving. When everyone on stage dancing have stopped dancing. They are waiting for the judges answer of who will win. Almost as everything is still. She sees herself move infront of everything and everyone. She sees herself slowly flying above. She notices everything still but herself moving. The young lady sees herself going infront of the stage with thousands of people. She sees her dream in the moment as she is awarded the best writer award infront of so many people. That is the one chance in the moment. The one moment she has been waiting for and dreaming of. Its only through her mind that the lady can think write and work hard. When she can live that one moment.
Jan. 28, 2009 Vinita Singh


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