The Intuitive Premonitions

The Intuitive Premonitions.

written by: Vinita Singh

Once there was a lady who looked in the mirror, she stared at herself and her dark brown eyes. She looked straight in the mirror and then she remembered her dreams. Dreams of past that were happening in the present. She saw herself in a house with no one around, when she awoke. After five years of having this dream, she found herself settled in a new place. When she looked outside her window not a soul was seen nearby.
She saw dreams of a relative wearing a pink color dress, six months later seeing them in that colored dress. She saw dreams of a friend saying hi to her. A year later she felt the same voice of a friend in real saying hi to her. The young lady started asking herself how can this be, Do I have Intuition, Do I get Premonitions. A year had passed when she was inside her house. After seven years of seeing her Aunt, from India, she had a dream of her Aunt. Her dream was vague. But after a week her aunt had come to the U.S. and she spoke with her. Now this young lady started believing that she had Premonitions of some kind. She felt she could see the future vaguely. She wondered if this was a gift or a destruction, to be able to see the future ahead of time. She could see dreams of someone at six a clock every morning. She felt was this intuition of telepathy. Was this other friend thinking of her when she had their dream.
She felt that her dreams were a gift if the good dreams came true, and a destruction if the bad dreams came true. She felt she didn't have control of what she dreamt or what she could see in the future. Therefore her intuitive premonitions were not harmful yet not useful. Just dreams as they happened.

June 8, 2009 Vinita Singh


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