The Veranda

The Veranda

written by: Vinita Singh

Now she realized she was an adult, a women who had grown. What she felt was time could not return or come back. She suddenly realized a time she could not forget, a time where she laid back on a chair and had the most attention.
She remembered sitting on the veranda only when she was twelve years old. The big field, where there was a well to the left. All the children played cricket everyday. Three older girls sat infront of her house chatting and watching the view. She sat with her grandfather with him sitting on a chair to the side, Her in the corner of the other side.
There she sat taking lots of pieces of yarn and fixing it, trying to knit a sweater for her brother.
There were days when she sat on the Veranda and did her alphabet on slate with a chalk, Writing the indian alphabet.
Then there were days when she just spoke to her grandfather and laughed with him. She was young and she would also play with the children.
As she sat in her room as an adult, she realized times had changed, it was quiet outside, there were no children playing outside.
She would look outside the window of her house and not see a soul.
That is when she realized, that time that she had back then was precious as she would sit infront of the Veranda. There was life outside. People chatted and everyone new everything about everyone. She knew that she was one of the girls that was the center of attention, but she didn't feel it than. She was focused just on studies. She realized time could not come back. The house was much older now, Twenty years had passed, a place she had not seen for years, A time which could never come back, which now it dawned on her was such a precious and golden time for her.
Sitting infront of the veranda on a chair, watching the view of all the people and children passing by on the road, some sitting infront of the sun on the opposite side.
The voices of the mothers calling their children, which she could hear across. The children running and playing badminton.
The neigbors from the second floor looking down at the veranda.
There was so much life in the neigborhood.
Now she realized the veranda and the people could not really be there, she had no idea where what was reality had suddenly dissapeared. She yearned to see the children and the ladies in the front. She yearned to sit infront of her veranda once again.
Vinita Singh Nov. 25, 2009


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